SEO Solutions
Most new e-Commerce and Internet Business Startups do not realize that once you put your new Website up on the Internet that it takes time for the Search Engines like Google, and Yahoo to even realize you are out there. There are thousands of Websites on the Internet and hundreds added each day all competing for attention and business. SEO is a key link in the Website Development chain. Once a Website is designed, the next key steps are the generation of the copy which needs to contain “Key Words”. It is the combination of the Website Copy and the Key Words contained within the copy that make for a successful Website and enhance your chances that the Google and Yahoo Search Engines will pick up your Website.
Therefore, AES offers it clients a SEO capability that will afford them the ability to get a leg up on those companies that either do not understand SEO, or feel they can do it on their own, without help. In order to give you the SEO advantage AES will evaluate your website and give you the best package that will suit you. Some of the tasks we perform include:
Keyword Research
Initial Ranking Report
Creation of Robots.txt
Title Tags Optimization
Meta Tags Optimization
Social Book Marking
Link Building & Other Activities
Sending Link Requests
Off-Page Optimization
Image Alt Text Optimization
Hyperlink Title Attribute Optimization
and much more….